Axis Insurance Services Blog

FBI Issues Urgent Warning to Reboot Routers

Written by Axis | May 30, 2018 6:23:59 PM

By Drew M Smith

June 2018


On Friday, May 25th, the FBI issued an Urgent Warning of Foreign Actors targeting home computers via Public Service Announcement I-052518-PSA.  They recommended all internet users reboot their routers and address passwords and encryption of those devices.  This newest warning by the FBI should not be taken lightly. The same group that attacked the Democratic National, the Sofacy group, has been linked to a malware that is targeting Home Routers.

The malware involved, VPNfilter infects routers randomly. Once infected, they can be used as jumping off points for other hacks. In addition to using them as launch points, the hackers can also steal the passwords for them and re-infect the server at any point. As of this writing, the FBI believed 500,000 home routers have been compromised with more expected in the coming days.

Despite the potential damage, the solution is surprisingly simple. The FBI suggested rebooting the modems, cutting off the process before it can spread. Other security experts suggest going a step further, completely resetting the router to factory settings and then putting in a new password. Many of these routers are being hacked because the passwords are simple to figure out, resetting and changing the passwords would fix the more serious issue.

The problem at hand is that foreign hackers now have the means to get after private and home routers, which means your data could now be compromised even at home. Doing what the FBI suggested is a great first step, but you need to do more to protect yourself. Putting up firewalls on your router will help mitigate any intrusions. A structured cyber policy will cover any damages that result in this.

According to Mike Smith, President and CEO of Axis Insurance Services, LLC a Cyber Liability Specialist in Franklin Lakes New Jersey. “We have seen a significant increase in the different types of attacks against our clients.  Previously individuals and small businesses believed that hackers were only after the larger companies such as Target and Home Depot. What we have actually found is hackers are targeting low hanging fruit of individuals and small companies that have weaker controls and smaller budgets for cyber security. “


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