Axis Insurance Services, LLC Liam Oberlander to join Staff

Axis Insurance Services, LLC, Franklin Lakes, NJ is pleased to announce an addition to our growing workforce with Liam Oberlander. Liam is new to the insurance industry and comes to the company as a production/ technical assistant. As a production assistant, he will work hand in hand with our sales and account management staff to assist in the day-to-day servicing of our myriad of Professional, management and cyber liability clients. Between his graduation from Iona and joining our team, he worked as an instructional aide at a local high school and previously as an HVAC technician.

Mike Smith, CEO of Axis Insurance Services, was excited for their introduction. “We have been working on expanding our pipeline of future leaders as a major initiative. Liam brings a pleasant personality, working experience and ambition that helps fuel the enthusiasm in the rest of the company. I look forward to watching his career grow.”

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