W-2 Season is Approaching: How to Help Protect Against Scams

As the holidays come to an end and the New Year dawns, a very important season will begin in earnest for many people. It’s the time for the


Windows End Support for Legacy Systems

As the new year begins, Microsoft has taken the step to improve their security. As of January 14th, 2020, Windows has ceased any and all


D&O Issues in Mergers & Acquisitions

When companies merge or one company acquires another in a landmark deal, one component that sometimes gets overlooked is the need for


Axis Insurance Services, LLC Celebrates 20 Year Anniversary

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5 Reasons Architects and Contractors Should Buy Cyber Liability Insurance

Many fields have begun to bring cyber liability into their business operations. Architects, though not a field that would normally be


Employer Liability in Cannabis Cases


New Jersey Protects Salary Rights

As of the New Year, New Jersey has expanded its protections for workers and the way they are hired. This time it has to do with


Can Employees Face Consequences for Off-Duty, Legal Cannabis Use?


Common Cybersecurity Gaps

In cyber security, many things go into protecting your cyber infrastructure. From your firewalls to education, everything plays a part in


TPA Trends in 2020

In this article, we interviewed Professional Liability Broker, Paul Hacker on the topic of Third-Party Administrators and assisting them


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