“Insurtech” Expected to be a Major Part of the Global Insurance Market by 2023

Insurance technology is booming, and firms are standing to benefit from the premiums behind it. Premiums taken by firms using this new


Cyber Tip of the Week: Four Ways to Protect Your Data


Mike Smith to Speak at NAI Conference on Cyber Risks


Microsoft Cloud Services Shut Down Due to Cooling Issues


Sim Swapping: New Risk for Cell Phone Users


What Makes a Wrongful Termination?

Unfortunately, terminations are a guaranteed aspect of any business. Simply put, hiring and firing is part of having your own business.


When Should You Have Tail Coverage?

When does tail malpractice coverage come in handy? For physicians, this is the most common type of medical malpractice insurance. However,


The Coverage of Professional Liability Insurance for Mortgage Bankers and Brokers

Every business needs protection, and mortgage bankers and brokers are no different. When it comes down to being defended in a lawsuit,


PGA Files Hacked Thanks to Cryptolocker


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