Biometric Authentication; A Concern for Privacy Protection

Increasingly, there has been a trend of people using biometric authentication, such as fingerprints and facial recognition to improve the


The Dangers of Employee Misclassification


Disconnected: What Happens When a Virus Shuts Down Your Entire Network?

The threat of cyber attacks have become one of the biggest concerns for business owners. The mere threat of their network being compromised


Preventing Harassment in Businesses: Improving Reporting Methods

Although many want to claim that their business is harassment free, experts found that at least 96 percent of workers have felt some


In Order to Reduce Sexual Harassment Claims, it’s Time to Update Your HR Policies

Sexual harassment in the workplace is unfortunately a problem for many businesses across the country. A 2018 survey done by nonprofit


Phishing Scams Get More Personal

As phishing scams continue to rise, a worrying trend has emerged. Rather than target companies, hackers are increasingly trying to imitate


Mike Smith to Speak at 8th Annual National Cyber Liabilities Summit

Axis Insurance Services is pleased to announce that CEO Mike Smith will be a featured presenter at the 8th Annual National Cyber


Axis Insurance to Attend PIACT Annual Conference

Axis Insurance Services is pleased to announce their attendance at the Professional Insurance Agency (PIA) Annual Conference at the


What Your Business Needs to Know About Wire Transfer Fraud


Professional Liability Insurance in the #MeToo Era

The #Metoo movement has changed many ways in how businesses are run. Women now feel brave enough to open up about harassment whereas
