Mike Smith to Appear on Cyber Panel for CLM

Mike Smith, President and CEO of Axis Insurance Services, LLC will appear on a Panel titled “Alexa, Help Solve My Case” at the Annual


How Cyber Liability Insurance Protects Architects & Engineers

In the age of digital design, most architectural, engineering and/or design firms rely heavily on their computer networks for almost every


Axis Management Group Holdings, Inc Recognized as One of the Fastest Rising Companies in America

By Drew M. Smith


New York Increases Family Leave for the Start of the New Year

By Drew M. Smith


Best Practices for Handling Employee Dishonesty

Employee dishonesty often slips under the radar, but it is no small crime. It is estimated that employee theft costs U.S. businesses $50


Equifax Breach Much Worse than Realized

By Drew M. Smith


Finding Qualified Job Applicants

Though you often have an idea of what the ideal candidate for an open position at your company would be like, finding that person is a


Two New Vulnerabilities Leaves Every Computer at Risk

By: Drew M. Smith


Evaluating and Addressing Real Estate’s Biggest Cyber Liabilities

No matter what size a business is or which sector it belongs to, it will always be vulnerable to cyber attacks. It’s not just about


Insurance Agency E&O Claims Continue to Rise Relating to Acquisitions

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