Axis Insurance Services, LLC Liam Oberlander to join Staff

Axis Insurance Services, LLC, Franklin Lakes, NJ is pleased to announce an addition to our growing workforce with Liam Oberlander. Liam is


Mike Smith to Speak at Mortgage Bankers Association Conference


Paul Hacker to speak at Cyber Symposium

Axis Insurance Services is pleased to announce that Paul Hacker, one of our seasoned Professional Liability Brokers will be speaking at the


Another Popular Chinese App raises Security Red Flags

As tech stocks continue to grapple with security and privacy failures, companies such as TikTok are front and center in their controversy.


Banking Chaos The Perfect Storm for Hackers

potential of another 2008 level financial crisis. Though governments and regulators have sought to reassure the public that they are sound,


AI Hiring tools Tests Discrimination laws

Discrimination has been an issue with hiring for decades. With each state passing their own laws and regulations, keeping abreast of


Axis Management Group Holdings, Inc. Announces Promotion of Justina Confer to Vice President

Axis Management Group Holdings, Inc. (AMGH) is proud to announce the promotion of Justina Confer to Vice President of Finance, HR, and


Fraud Numbers paint a grim picture of Crimes against Businesses

Fraud is one of the biggest concerns facing businesses in almost ever industry. Thieves are coming up with new and creative ways to cheat


Password Security: Some Tips for protecting your Data

Passwords are the key to almost everything in 2023 as they allow you into websites from simple gaming sites to complex business browsers.


BIPA Lawsuit Settlement creates new Privacy Risk

Biometric information is one of the biggest points of contention when it comes to privately identifiable information. In recent years


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