Author: Drew Smith

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Returning to Normal Post COVID

With state governments relaxing their lockdowns thanks to vaccines, many companies are beginning the slow progress of coming back to their


SPAC: An Emerging Trend in Raising Capital

In 2020, despite the ongoing pandemic, multiple companies have launched IPOs through less traditional means. The current trend for raising


CNA Reveals Breach and Damage

CNA, considered the 6th largest insurance company in the US, revealed that on March 21st, they suffered a sophisticated and coordinated


Global Cyber Crimes Up in 2020, Healthcare most targeted

Amongst the chaos the COVID pandemic caused everyone, hackers and other malicious actors took advantage of it to do serious damage,


Virginia Legalizes Marijuanna

Seeing the trend in other states, Virginia has become the 16th state to pass a cannabis legalization bill in their legislature.


Former employee sues Cannabis Company for Wrongful Termination.

A lab employee working for a Massachusetts cannabis dispensary has sued for wrongful termination after he filed a medical leave request and


Uber Loses appeal In UK regarding classification of Drivers.

Uber’s ability to continue classifying their employees as independent contractors took a huge blow as a judge in the UK ruled that their


New York Warns of Major Unemployment Compensation Fraud

The New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) has issued a fraud alert to businesses and organizations across the state as the


US Infrastructure at Risk as Hackers Target Water Treatment Plant

As many people had feared, hackers and other malicious actors have begun to target valuable infrastructure.


Cannabis Grower Hit with $3.6M Cyber Breach

The Cann Group, a medical cannabis supply and distribution company based in Australia, has revealed to their shareholders that they


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