Author: Drew Smith

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The Importance of Understanding a Cyber Application

With the rise of cybercrimes and breaches, insurance carriers have significantly increased their underwriting standards and have started to


Legacy Systems Causing Massive Headaches for Cyber Insurers

In 2022, Most companies are upgrading to the latest security for their various programs and devices on a regular basis. Major programs such


Facebook Fined for GDPR Violations


Tax Service Hackers are out in full force during Tax Season


Illinois Rules Against Employers in Biometric (BIPA) Lawsuit

In an increasingly volatile field of biometric security, an Illinois court has ruled against an employer under their Illinois Biometric


Employers may face additional liability due to new COVID liability

As the pandemic has continued to wear on many people, multiple lawsuits have been filed over various issues such as pay, compensation and


NYC Imposes Private Company Vaccine Mandates in Wake of COVID Variants

With a new COVID variant emerging and COVID cases beginning to spike as winter sets in, New York City has expanded their vaccine mandates


Florida Forcibly ends Mandates creating Awkward EPLI Limbo


The Evolution of the  Cyber Breach: What can we Expect in 2022


Insurer Prevails in First COVID Related Decision

As COVID continues to wreak havoc many companies have turned to litigation, due to the COVID enforced closures. No industry felt these


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